
🚨 Google Review Count Glitch? Please Help Us.🚨

Our team at Platinum Reputations has been digging into the recent concerns about Google review drops.

google review count not right

google reviews missing

In many cases, we’ve found that while the review count appears lower, the actual reviews are still there! 🤔 It seems like Google’s displayed review total may be running on a separate system, possibly causing a glitch or bug.

If you believe your review count has dropped, try manually counting your reviews and let us know what you find. In our case, despite Google showing 7 fewer reviews, all of them are still there!

We’ll keep researching and monitoring the situation—stay tuned for updates! 🔎💡

#GoogleReviewsDrop #ReputationManagement #ReviewGlitch #googlereviews #PlatinumReputations #wherearemyreviews